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Tag Archives: Surat al-Kawthar
Dhikr beads 10 or 11, small bracelet sized..
I don’t remember how I got it, I think it was wooden, I am not sure about the string, but I think I put it around my wrist and I made the intention to make dhikr with it..
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Posted in Dream Interpretation, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged dhikr beads, Hajjah Naziha, lost item, make dhikr, prayer for lost thing, Surat al-Kawthar, zikr
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Prayer Request: missing cat
Recently my family moved to a new residence. unfortunately, our cat ran out of the house and she is now nowhere to be found. is there any durood or dhikr we can read so she returns home? Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged bring back, cat, lost, ran away, Surat al-Kawthar
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Prayer Request: please pray for my wife
last time my wife leave she’s note book on taxi chair and after taxi gone my wife remember she’s living she’s note book inside the taxi, she’s very very shock right now because inside the notebook it’s many data from she’s company, what’ must she’ do ? Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged find, lost item, Surat al-Kawthar
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Dream: Salafi Father, Siraat and Surat Al-Kawthar
My father doesn’t want to speak to me after I asked him to peacefully discuss that I’m Sufi and he’s Wahabi… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged al-Rabb, awliya, basmala, basmalah, black, Bridge, brother, father, intercession, jannah, laptop, red, Sirat, sirat al-mustaqeem, Sufi, Surat al-Fatiha, Surat al-Kawthar, treasure, Wahabi
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Prayer Request: Teacher
My teacher always picks on me, recently she blamed me for loosing a business book that she gave me herself to use and now expects me to pay 30 pounds for it. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Poor Memory and forgetfulness
I have always had a bad memory, forgetting things very easily. People sometimes point this out and it upsets me. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged forgetfulness, hifzh, memory, Surah Quraysh, Surat al-Kawthar, Surat al-Mulk
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Ritalin for children
My son of 8 years has a concentration problem. He is also playful. Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged Charity, sadaqa, Surat al-Kawthar, Surat al-Mulk
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Prayer Request: Dua to finish my thesis
I have been writing my thesis since two years (i have been in a PHd program since 2004). I am nearly at the end but i find it very difficult to write, even to concentrate in writing. for some reasons, I always think of something else besides my thesis and it is causing me a lot of worries as well as my family. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged PhD, raka`atayn, Surat al-Kawthar, Surat al-Mulk, Surat al-Quraysh, thesis, wudu
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