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Tag Archives: tall
Blue Man
When I was 8-9 years old, I saw a tall dark blue man, like a shadow, spirit… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged blue man, dark, handsome, looking, mysterious, picture, reflection, Sayyidina al-Khidr, tall, unnoticed, water, wooden board
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Dream: Prophet Muhammad (s) came to my home
I recently had a dream in which Rasool Allah SAW knocked on the door and I opened the door and greeted him with respect. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged blessed, broad, darood, face, greatness, happy, mawlid, night, observance, Prophet Muhammad (s), room, salawat, shoulders, supervision, tall, visit, welcome
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Dream: Prophet Adam (as)
I dreamt that I was standing in front of this huge white mansion one fine night. I saw groups of Naqshbandi men scattered coming from all directions and heading to this white mansion. As I turned around in confusion of not knowing where I am and what I am doing, I saw a very tall old man (almost 3 meters tall) in white jubah, overcloak, white imamah and white Naqshbandi taj… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `amamah, cloak, fitrah, jubbah, mansion, naqshbandi, Sayyidina Adam (as), taj, tall, turban
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