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Tag Archives: verse
Dream: verse with Ya Allah
I had a dream where I saw someone in a high tower and I made a dua saying Ya Allah. Then Sheikh Nour Kabbani asked me where is Ya Allah in the Quran. I replied I’ll look for it. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Holy Qur'an, Islam, literal interpretation, Shari`ah, Shaykh Nour Kabbani, true scholars, verse, Ya Allah
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Reading Quran without tahaarat
Can a person who is in need of ghusl touch Holy Quran without ghusl ?… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged e-book, ghusl, good adab, hadith, haram, Holy Qur'an, impermissible, internet, janabah, madhahib, madhhab, Muslim, non-Muslim, permissible, preserved tablet, read, recite, salawat, schools of thought, state of purity, Sunni, tafsir, touch, verse, wudu
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Red in the Quran
I always open the Quran and this morning I opened it and it had a red mark… Continue reading