Tag Archives: Wahabi beliefs
Wahabi Marriage
I would like to know if it is possible for an Ahl Sunnah wa jamaat girl to marry a wahabi guy? I know a wahabi guy and he wants to marry me, I know him to be of very good … Continue reading
Wahaabi to Ahle Sunnah
How do I go about changing a wahaabi to an Ahle Sunnah. I have explained to them what we do in a khatam shareef… Continue reading
Is Hyena’s meat Halal?
A well known Wahhabi Cleric in Nairobi, Kenya with a big clout within the Somali Community in Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia and many parts of the world has caused a storm by declaring the meat of hyena halal… Continue reading
Confused about Sufism
I found many shortcuts in this tariqa. Especially about the 40 chains of shuyughs. My guide is prophet mohammed salla lahu alayhi wa sallem… Continue reading
Deobandism and Barelvism
I live in India and I am very much confused about which sect is correct. In India there are two groups – Barelvi and Deobandi… Continue reading
Angels in Islam
May I be answered for whether Angels have rational potentials… Continue reading
Dream: Naqshbandi Bread Lessons
My husband forbids me to attend the Naqshbandi mosque. I would like to go to Friday prayer to help work through what the baya has revealed in me. Last night I dreamt the local Nashbandi Imam whom I have met and someone with him asked me… Continue reading
Salat Behind Deobandis
Kindly let me know what is Ahle Sunnat wal Jamah’s stance on offering salah behind a Deoband or ahle hadees… Continue reading
Prayer in Mecca and Madina
I am from Pakistan. Majority of Scholars of AhleSunnah tell us not to offer prayer behind the Imam in Khane Kaaba or Madina and o Continue reading
Sunnah of the Turban
We have studied and seen the sunnah of the turban which is twisted around the head with a tail falling behind…. Continue reading