Tag Archives: waking vision
A vision after missing Qiyamul Layl and Fajr
Salamualykum, I have to add some information before telling, so I am sorry if it gets a bit long. One night a few months ago my alarm went off for qiyamut- layt and my nafs got me and I didn’t get up, then I also didn’t get up for fajr too and when I awoke which was an hour after sunrise I felt bad… Continue reading
Recent Baya`
I have recently bayah online and have stared reciting daily awrad, but whenever sit quietly,on my tongue there is a wird Allah… Continue reading
First Rajab Vision
On 1st Rajab, exactly in the interval praying sunnah Rajab, ba’da maghrib prayer, I see the presence of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Haqqani just in front of me so I cried…. Continue reading
I need clarification about my experience
1st occurence: I’ve seen above westside of sky and suprised me precisely in Ramadhan evening before breaking fast, a letter of Hijaiyyah that was “ALIF” with colour turn yellow flashy gold… Continue reading
Visions before becoming a mureed
Before becoming a mureed I saw these visions, if you can tell me what they mean… Continue reading
Visions or imagination
Question: Assalam u alayekum syyedi sheikh Hisham! I have experienced quite often that when I close my eyes I see some unseen, unimagined scene(s). I don’t imagine them intentionally. I don’t know whether they are waswas or should I call … Continue reading
Dream: Vision of Shaykh Hisham Wearing Green
We did a Milad al Nabi today and I saw Sheikh Hashim in a vision with a large green turban and green cloak… Continue reading
Image of a Man
While i was Doing my Umrah, during the Sunnat tawwaf prayers, while i was doing my 2nd rakaat of sujud an image of a man popped up… Continue reading
Visualization of Shaykh Hashim
I met Shaykh Hisham the second time in my life when they came to the UK. A few days after I had a visual of them… Continue reading
Spiritual Experience
I want to ask a question about spiritual experience that happened maybe a week before Maulana Sheikh Hisham came to Indonesia… Continue reading