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Tag Archives: waste
I received an inheritance and asked Maulana Shaykh Nazim if I should use it on property or gold…. Continue reading
Posted in Hajj, `Umrah & Ziyarah
Tagged classes, convert, England, gold, hajj, inheritance, local mosque, obligation, property, revert, Wahabis, waste
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Dream: Snake biting
I’m an English converted Muslim and I’m writing my husband’s dream. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah's Rights, animal, animal feces, bite, biting, black snake, chain, cure, doctor, dunya, face, feces, finger, friend, garden, guidance, heap, hopsital, huquq Allah, love of dunya, material world, materialism, medicine, numb, poison, prayer, repent, repentance, salat, snake, walking, waste
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Sunnah foods
What are the best foods to have to increase strength, improve our spiritual beings and to avoid such problems as I have just had based on the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and Mawlana shaykh Nazim(Q)? Continue reading