Tag Archives: woman
saw black beard on some parts of my chin
saw black beard on some parts of my chin Continue reading
Hadith on the punishment of a woman who does not want to cover her hair
I have someone asked me about this hadith. What is the ulama’ opinion about it? Continue reading
Meaning of Hadith?
Can you please explain the hadith about the passing of a donkey, a woman, or a black dog. Not only the one where Aisha narrates but also when the Prophet pbuh says it himself. The thing that confuses me is that Aisha says it is comparing women to donkeys yet the Prophet pbuh says it. Continue reading
Dream: Heard Ayyat
I was driving a car. One woman was teaching me about Islam and she disappeared. I… Continue reading
Dream: Rose Water
What does it mean if a woman gives you rose water to drink in a dream… Continue reading
Dream: Catching a mouse
I dreamt I was lying on my bed and I heard a scratching sound coming from above and when I went to investigate… Continue reading
Dream: Kaaba and women
About 5-6 years back I had a dream I was standing in my college ground and an ugly woman came to me… Continue reading
Dream: My wife??
A few years ago I dreamt of the woman I would marry; she kissed me and I felt an amazing, pure, spiritual feeling–… Continue reading
Dream: Woman got burn.
Someone had a dream that he saw the woman he love is tied with chain, burning with fire on desert like having azaab from God… Continue reading