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Tag Archives: youth
Dream: SEEING MSN in my dream
I had a dream about MSN. I was attending a Naqshabandi thikr and I was admiring the beautiful voice of my cousin… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged beauty, black beard, cousin, crowd, dhikr, dhikr group, lovely, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, naqshbandi, people of Paradise, qasida, recite, singing, smiling, spiritual progress, voice, young, youth
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Dream: praying man
I dreamt I saw a young man dreaming in a mosque. I was walking past and he slightly lifted his head to acknowledge me passing. Continue reading
Dream: Hadrah and Shaykh HishamRêve: Hadrah et Shaykh Hisham
I was in gathering and it was all among youth(17-25 years of age). I knew none of them…[fr]Salams bien aimé Sayedi Shaykh Hisham, puisse Allah vous donner une longue vie, …[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adult, awliya, awliyaullah, boy, children, circle, danger, followers, girl, hadrah, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mixed gathering, mureeds, qasida, singer, singing, uncomfortable, youth
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Rêve: Hadrah et Shaykh Hisham
Q: salaam, i have just recently started to read namaaz, but i do not feel peace when i’ve read my namaaz, (astaghfirullah) i also think negatively towards everything and anything majority of the time. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ibadah, Allah's orders, basmalah, namaz, obligations, Prayers, salat, Shaytan, ta`awudh, waswasa, youth
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Dream: In Shaykh Nazim’s house
I find myself in Shaykh Nazim’s house. I see it’s been changed.. an extra room that looks like a shop, selling a few things. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `ishq, beauty, curtain, duck, fountain of youth, innocence, longing, madad, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, purity, Sayyidina al-Khidr, shawq, shop, spiritual progress, water, Water of Youth, yearning, youth
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Dream: seeing Rasulullah (s) at Syakh Nazim’s house.
I dream I was at Mawlana Syakh Nazim’s house, no other people were there. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged calamities, difficulties, fana fi 'r-rasul, fana fi 'sh-shaykh, green, Prophet Muhammad (s), raka`atayn, seven stations, shukr, Sunnat al-wudu, Surat al-Mulk, teeth, turban, youth
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