Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Haddad

Man or universe?

My question was based on two Ayat ul Quran that I read and I’m looking for a better understanding. Continue reading

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Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim

Recently I dreamt I saw Mawlana Shaykh Nazim in green robe and black turban. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Ailing mother

My mother is very ill – she has kidney problems, hypertension, weak heart, and a few other old age illnesses. But she’s always in high spirits. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: for welfare of our house

plz pray for my family. my brothers are not setteled in their business pray for them.
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Benefits of Salawat al-Fatih

My question is : What is the benefit of “Salawat Al-Fatih (durood Fatih) ” ? Can it be recited along with the daily awrad (Spiritual Practices) ? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: dhikr for Activation of spiritual vision

Can you kindly recommend a dhikr that will help me to improve and strengthen my Spiritual Vision foresight. Continue reading

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Hazrat ‘Ali’s father

Q: What is he belief of the ahlus sunnah wa’jam’ah, is the father of Hazrat ‘Ali (R.A) a believer ? Continue reading

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General question about advice given by Awliya in dreams

I was wondering if Mawlana, or another person felt to be a waliAllah, gives advice to someone in a dream, does this mean that the advice is truly given by that guide to follow in real life? Continue reading

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When to read awrad and sunnah prayers

When is the best time to read the daily awrad i.e. when does MSH read it? Continue reading

Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Salat - Prayer, Sufism (Tasawwuf) | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on When to read awrad and sunnah prayers

Practice of renewing baya`

I get information about the way of tariqah that I must get a new baiah from Shaykh Nazim. Is that truth? Continue reading

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