Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Disobedience of the Jinn Before Adam (as)
Question: Please can you answer for the following question? I have heard the below statement in the khutbah of Imam just before juma prayer at the Mosque, “Before Allah swt created Adam as He swt created jinns and they were … Continue reading
Life of the Ummah 1500 Years
Question: Assalam u alayekum! One day I was reading the sohbat translation in English from (Haqqani Fellowship website)and it was mentioned in the context of Sura e asr by Sheikh that ummat e Muslima will last 1500 years. 1471 years … Continue reading
Hadith About Last Tariqah?
Question: Assalamoualaykoum Wa Rahamatul Lahi Wa Barakatuhu I have been told over and over that there is a hadith that says that the Naqshbandi Tariqa will be the last one among all tariqas. Is this true and if so where … Continue reading
Make-up Prayers When Traveling
Q: When we travel 50 miles we only [pray] two rakats. Suppose we don’t do these rakats when we arrived at destination. We go back home. Do we then 2 or we do replace it with the normal number of fard rakaates? Continue reading
Disposal of Hairs and Nails
Q: Are we allowed to burn our hairs and nails or we only have the solution to bury them? Continue reading
Burning Chicken Bones
Question: I have one question for bones from either chicken or meat: If we live in a house where the trash pick-up is only once a week, is it OK to burn the chicken bones? Shukran Answer: Burning animal bones … Continue reading
Joining Congregational Prayer After First Raka`at
Q: We join the fard prayers after it started, lets say at the second rakaates, when the Imam gives salam we stand up to complete what we are missing. Do I read the thanaa before Alhamdolillah? Continue reading
Is It Permitted to Attend a Wedding in a Church?
Q: What should I do about going to church? I am married to a Christian. She has a lot of family here and I end up going to a lot of their weddings etc. The first half of a wedding is at a church. I was wondering what I should do in this regard?… Continue reading
Can Prophet See Our Actions from His Grave?
Question: [Abdul-Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz, late Grand-Mufti of Saudia Arabia stated] “In the authentic Hadith, it is reported that the Prophet – peace be unto him-said: ‘(On the Day of Judgment, I assume the defence of some men by … Continue reading
Praying in Mosque with People of Different `Aqidah
Q: I live in a community where in mosque every type of people come and offer prayer. Wahabi, Deobandi, Salafi etc. Is it a strong reason to offer prayer in my room?… Continue reading