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Author Archives: Hajjah Naziha Adil
Salams to Woman at Musalla
Question: Asalammualikum Wa Rahamathullah wa Barakatahu One of my friends works in a corporate company and he doesnt find any Masjid near by so he does perform namaz in office itself. He will be go to the top floor and … Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged musallah, office, prayer, woman
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Affected By Magic
Question: salam Hajjah, My friend’s family, husband, wife and three childen got into black magic. Pity them. Please advise what to do. Husband did Hajj recently only one week he was ok, the rest fell sick. Alhamdulillah he managed do … Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged Ayat al-Kursi, black magic, Falaq, Naas, Prayers, sihr
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Is Playing Daf Allowed in the Mosque
Question: salaam Hajjah I have seen a lot of people during dhikrs and whilst reading nasheeds etc in mosque play daf or drums. Is playing a daf or any kind of musical instrument allowed in a mosque? Any particular reasons … Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged anasheed, daf, mawlid, recitation
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Is Kohl Makeup?
Question: Is kohl considered makeup? Answer: As-salam `alaikum, kohl is sunnah and it is makeup. Hajjah Naziha
Color of Clothes
Question: Salam Hajjah, Can we women wear any colour for clothes? Orange colour like Dalai Lama allowed to wear or not because Maulana Shaykh Nazim was teasing me. I’m not sure now to wear or not to wear. I try … Continue reading
Jealous of Second Wife
A lady living in a polygamous marriage is asking for some dhikr or duaa against jealousy, firstly because jealousy is harmful spiritually, and secondly, since it is painful for her. Continue reading
Marriage Without Parents’ Approval
…I also do not wish to hurt my parents by telling them that I did nikah without telling them. So me and my husband have decided that his family will ask for my hand in marriage from my parents…. Continue reading
Forced Marriage
Question: salaam, What would your advice be on someone who is emotionally being abused into a marriage, and she doesn’t really want to marry the guy? Could she leave her family? Answer: wa`alaikum as-salam, The Islamic legal ruling is as … Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged force, marriage, Sayyida Fatimah, Sayyidina Ali, Sunnah
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Weight Control
Q: I have been wondering that is there any advice for weight control in Islam?
1) Drink water before you eat.
2) Eat twice daily
… Continue reading