Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

To start a new life

I am in need of your prayers. I have returned home after my divorce and feel like a burden on my family… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Relationships

I have met what feels like the other half of my soul in another person. I have never felt such an energy from another person, but our relationship is having problems… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Mom’s health

My mom has high cholesterol. Please recommend something for her health. I think it could be due to stress… Continue reading

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Spiritual name

I beg you Sheikh to let me know one of my spiritual names. I know you may not want to say on the website but if you can by email I will be eternally grateful… Continue reading

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Ya Sin for the afterlife

Brothers and sisters of Islam, a kind lady of non-belief to my understanding passed away recently. Would Surah-Yasin (peace and blessings be upon him) have any benefits for her in the afterlife?… Continue reading

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Moving to Qatar

I am considering moving to Qatar and working there. Could you please advise me whether this will be good for me?… Continue reading

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Feeling withdrawn from dunya and people

I am wondering what is the guidance to give to one who is feeling incredibly pulled away from dunya and everyone… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Court Trial date

My name is [private], I am a mureed. I have a court date on Feb 14th 2011. I am the defendant in the case… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Dua to see Prophet in a dream

I would like to see Prophet in dream. Can you please pray for me to see him?… Continue reading

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Magic or something

Ya Sayyidi last month I went to Lahore and met my married sister. She had robbery, someone told her to contact a pious person who might help her… Continue reading

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