Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff
Can a Sunni Muslim boy marry Shia girl?
I am Sunni Muslim I’ve married a Shia girl. People are saying this nikah is haram. Please guide me… Continue reading
Family Problems
I am doing Ph.D and from last 3-4 years my family was facing lot of problems. My younger sister’s marriage not happening… Continue reading
Gatherings with Tariqa-affiliated Shaykhs
Are we allowed to attend gatherings with all Naqshabandi Tariqa Shaykhs… Continue reading
Need help removing evil from my life
I need help please, every night I have dreams of jinn and I also took a picture of my face and my face turned into something else… Continue reading
Black magic or anything
I have many problems with my health since 5 years and also with my family health. All medical test reports show normal but problem consist with me like regular nightmares stomach pain body… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Ayat for rizq
I want an Quranic ayat to increase my rizkh. Continue reading
Is there any duas to pass an exam as I have a very important exam… Continue reading
Please permit me
I want to do a wazeefa du’a of Hazrat Daud (e salam) but the problem is I don’t know the name of the boy’s mother so can I use hazrat Amma Hawa’s name… Continue reading
Nur Mohammad Hadith
1)How did Allah created the light of Prophet (PBUH) from HIS light? Continue reading