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Tag Archives: Sunni vs. Shia
Can a Sunni Muslim boy marry Shia girl?
I am Sunni Muslim I’ve married a Shia girl. People are saying this nikah is haram. Please guide me… Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged lawfulness, suitable marriage partner, Sunni vs. Shia
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Marriage to Sunni Girl
I become a Naqshbandi Haqanni through internet, then I became Sunni Muslim… Continue reading
Khums and Turbah
What is the Ahl as-Sunnah wa ‘l-Jama`ahs view on “Khums”? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sunnah
Tagged Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jama`ah, Charity, giving of alms, khums, Shia beliefs, Sunni vs. Shia
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My question is what are the sunni view of Muawiyah and what are the Shia views… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Companions of the Prophet (s), Sunni vs. Shia, Yazid ibn Mu`awiya
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Prayer Request: Really stressed
I love a guy but our religion has barred us. He is Shia and I’m a Sunni and our parents will never agree… Continue reading
Jafari Fiqh
I am curious about the Naqshbandi position on Jafari fiqh and those who practice it?
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Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Hanafi fiqh, Ja`fari fiqh, schools of thought, Sunni vs. Shia
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Sunni vs. Shia
We Muslims, are splitting up. Is it true that we hate Shias, or can say that we don’t like them? What is our perspective towards them… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Four Schools, hatred, Islamic unity, schools of thought, Sunni vs. Shia
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I am mureed of Sheikh Nazim al haqqani, and wish to know, whether as a Sunni boy is it permissible to marry a shia girl. We are both studying at the moment and are very interested in each other… Continue reading
Want to Bayat to Respected Shiekh
Im really intersted to follow respected Shiekh. Continue reading