Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Will Ahl-ul Kitab married to Muslims go to Jannah

My father is a Muslim, but my mother is from the Ahl-ul Kitab: she is a practicing Christian. She does good deeds and believes in a lot of the doctrines of Islam but she has not converted. Continue reading

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urgent request ..please give me permission

I wanted to ask permission to recite dua of hazrat dawood(as).I ve already forward a query for Hazrat Dawood dua but didnt get reply yet. Kindly answer me on urgent basis so that I would be able to recite it as soon as possible. I would request to all and Shaykh Sahab to pray for me.
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Immigration problem

We have immigration problem…kindly give me dua/wazifa so that our immigration matter is solved.
Jazakamullah khair Continue reading

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AOA. bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. assalato wassalamo alika ya Rasul Allah pbuh. I’m having a fear for the last few months is that some thing going on my mind day and night. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: for marriage

We were in relation but some one did the black magic and now we are separate, i see him so many times in my dreams as my husband and i also want to marry with him and he too. Continue reading

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Building Love

I want to inquire if there is a dua or surat which will help someone in our life fall in love with us or start loving us more.
My fiancé was very happy for our marriage until recently I have noticed a big change in him and the way he respects and loves me.
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Prayer Request: Sihr baathil

I saw this sight by chance. I was doing a roaring business from 1980 to 1995 with my bros &2 bro in laws when I was trapped in a case in India and since then my life has changed. Continue reading

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What does Islam say about photos? Is taking photo haram in Islam?
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Imam Mahdi

Please can you explain more about Imam Mahdi and his arrival.
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Imama Shareef

I just wanted to know the proper way to wear the imama and how it should be wrapped around the head. Also can wear the imama without a tail? Continue reading

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