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Tag Archives: belief in Allah
Will Ahl-ul Kitab married to Muslims go to Jannah
My father is a Muslim, but my mother is from the Ahl-ul Kitab: she is a practicing Christian. She does good deeds and believes in a lot of the doctrines of Islam but she has not converted. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Ahl al-Kitab, belief in Allah, christian parent, good deeds, jannah, paradise
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Need to be guided
Aslamo Alacome, I am in great problem, I want to go on right path but shatan always astray me. A question is always in my mind: is there Allah? If so why not answer my prayers? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Allah's Existence, belief in Allah, doubts, firm belief, unanswered prayers
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Discussions on Creation
My family do not seem to believe in Creation. We often have discussions regarding Religious matters, God, and creation. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged arguement, belief in Allah, creation, family conflict, God, religion, struggle against the nafs, unbelief
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3 questions
1-What is meant by “believer”? Does it mean anybody who says shahaadah?… Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged 6 pillars of faith, anti-Christ, anti-Messiah, Arabic, balance, begin, belief in Allah, belief in angels, belief in destiny, belief in Holy Books, belief in Messengers, belief in the Last Day, believer, call, complete meaning, culture, Dajjal, grammar, Imam Mahdi, origin, passages, pillars of faith, qadar, Qur'anic recitation, Quran, restrictions, ruku` marks, sarf wa nahw, Shahada, sins, six pillars of faith, stop, test, truthful, waqf wa ibtida'
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