Dream Interpretation
Astral journey
Dream: 786 1. It wasn’t a dream; I see the same place, where I was, a bus, as my soul floats above my body. However, the landscapes were totally different: deserts, houses upon mountains. Suddenly I see a bald eagle … Continue reading
Dream: Shoes
Dream: Asaalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. I dream, that I was in something like a theater or something on my own with what felt like was a child sitting behind me. I then came out and looked at my feet, I no … Continue reading
Dream: Mosque of Madina
I see in my dream the holy Mosque Of Madina. There I see Owais Raza Qadri (naat qhuan) smiling at me. he entered the mosque and I follow him, there I see Mawlana Nazim AL- Haqqani giving lecture. Continue reading
Dream: Dhikr circle
i had dreamt that i was sitting in a zikr circle with mureeds and with Green Sheik, it was at night and outdoors. in the centre of the circle there was a fire for warmth. Continue reading
Dream from 2-3 Decades Ago
The dream involving the moon was a beautiful dream. I had been staring at a full and vibrant moon while in zhikr, breezes of air were brushing my face, i remember seeing from afar yet very close that i had been very happy and had a smile on my face. Continue reading
Dream: Waterlevel runs up so high
I was sitting in a room with my family. And all of a sudden I saw a big water wave coming to us. The waterlevel was so high, and the water wave was also huge. Continue reading
Dream: prayer in dream
Dream: assalam alaykum Saw a dream in the morning hours i am in a certain mosque. And sitting in the first row ( the mosque and all other musallieen are in white dress). Waiting for Imam to come and lead … Continue reading
Dream: See Shakyh Nazim (qs) in dream
He saw a huge big kite hold by him,he never saw such huge kite and “latai” ( kite “controller” with thread) in Mawlana Shakyh Nazim(qs)’s hand… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Rasool’Allah (SAW) gesturing me to follow Him (SAW)
Dream: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim I reverted to Islam in 2005 and took baya’t in 2008. As revert, I regularly made dua that Allah would increase my love and knowledge of Sayiduna Rasool’Allah (SAW) During Ramadaan also 2008, after offering my … Continue reading