Hadith about Najd
Sidi, regarding the hadith about Shaytan rising from Najd, I’ve seen it translated as “the side of the head of Shaytan” and the “two horns of shaytan”. What do both phrases mean? Continue reading
Distortion of Talbis Iblis
Not sure if the title reflects my question, can I kindly leave it at your discretion to amend (if necessary)? I stumbled across this link http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/showthread.php?86196-Warning-Lies-distortions-and-slanders-by-Shaykh-GF-Haddad&p=941899&highlight=#post941899 Continue reading
Takhrij of Hadith: Ya Abu Bakr! No one knows my reality except my Lord
Please let me know the grading and takhrij of the following hadith..?
Prophet (pbuh) says to Syeduna Abu Bakr as-Siddique: Ya Abu Bakr, no one knows my reality (haqiqa) except my Lord. Continue reading
Young Adults Among Banu Qurayzah
Shaytan is using this topic to affect my Iman. What I fear most is doubts about my faith. My question is regarding the Banu Qurayzah. I understand the punishment was meant for for those who were treacherous, but the following hadith is bothering me. Continue reading
Quick question: Hadith dajjal
Masha’Allah you’re doing an excellent job. You mentioned the hadith, “He eats rocks and a mountain of smoke precedes him and people ride inside him, and not on his back.” Continue reading
How does women protected from dajjal?
I know that one of the signs of judgement is that there are more women than men & does that make them a curse because of their growing numbers? They didn’t ask to be females so is it their fault? Continue reading
Majority of women going to hell?
I know that there is a hadith that majority of women in hell for being ungrateful to husband and they are in hell but does that mean they are only temporarily there? Continue reading
asalam. shaykh gibril I read one of the questions a person asked u. and he said, “I’m Indonesian, live in [private]. Our family believes that we are the descendants of [private] of [private]. We’re facing the condition of losing our identity and it’s really torturing me mentally. Continue reading
Our Mother Lady A’isha’s Age at Marriage
My question is regarding the debate regarding whether A’isha had reached physical maturity or puberty prior to the consummation of her marriage. Continue reading
A wife’s rights in hadith
I have been dating with a man for years and we are planning to get married but he wants me to stay with his parents and a younger brother which I refused. Continue reading