Siyam – Fasting
Delayed make-up fast
I delayed my make-up fast till next Ramadan without any valid reason. Is it ok if I just make up for it by fasting after the end if this Ramadan? Continue reading
Vomiting while fasting
I am on medication and last night before going to bed I threw up. I thought since I threw up now I will feel better and will be able to continue my fast today… Continue reading
Sihr/black magic and fasting Ramadan
I would like to ask what the scholarly views are regarding fasting in Ramadan when a person is affected with sihr… Continue reading
Broken fast via unintentional ejaculation, but intentional arousal
I am ashamed to admit to a while ago I was very sexually frustrated to the point that I was even getting erections whilst praying. As a single Muslim brother, I rang someone with the intention of “some” gratification… Continue reading
Question about Ramadan and menses
I want the whole month during Ramadan fasting. may I use the pill not to menstruate if it’s not haram. Continue reading
Had to break my fast
I had to break my fast the other day, as I was not feeling well. I was shivering with a temperature and sort throat… Continue reading
Missed fasts – How many fasts do make up?
I am a 20 year old girl, trying to understand how to do things. From dhikr, prayer, making up missed fasts to paying zakat etc. Everything makes me so confused… Continue reading
Fasting when on medication
Sayyidi I am on high doses of knlonopin, zoloft, lyrica,and seroquel . These medications are schedule IV class and are dangerous if stopped being taken even for one day. The result can be seizures… Continue reading
Questions about fasting
1. My mother is a diabetic and heart patient who is in her 60s, she has always fasted and this year she has had a lot of pain in her body from various illnesses… Continue reading
Burning Incense while fasting
I burn a lot of incense regularly. I wanted to ask if I should not burn it while I’m fasting. Continue reading