Siyam – Fasting
How to expiate for breaking fast deliberately?
Q: When I was 17, I broke my fast…half deliberately, half out of stupidity and ignorance. I have asked Allah for forgiveness but now I also want to make up for it according to Islamic jurisprudence. I am getting 2 different advices and need clarification of which one pertains to me. Continue reading
Payment of Missed fasts
I have to pay my missed fasts. I live in Finland and i don’t know enough needy people to give money to them. Continue reading
Swallowing phlegm break fast?
Q: Does swallowing phlegm break the fast? Continue reading
Missed fasts and prayers due to mental health
I reverted to Islam 14 years ago. I have difficulties to fast Ramadan and to pray. Continue reading
Multiple Intentions for Single Worship
Q: If I fast inshaAllah for the next ten days (of Dhul-hijjah), should my niyyah be for Dhul-hijjah, for Ramadan, or is it possible for it to be for both? Continue reading
Fasting: Why Stop Eating 10 Minutes Before Fajr (Imsak)?
Q: Most books of fiqh seem to state that the wajib time to begin fasting is at the true dawn (when the second adhan in pronounced)….?
A: This is not a ‘requirement’ but, rather, a recommendation, for the reason you mentioned… Continue reading
Requirements for Women Fasting Ramadan
Q: Please provide some guidelines on the requirements of women fasting during Ramadan.
A: … Allah grants special mercy for women, and requirements of worship are less stringent for them than for men… Continue reading
Differences in Times of Imsak
…I just wanted some background on the issue of why there seems to be so much disparity on the time for when suhur ends and fajr starts… Continue reading