Prayer Request
Prayer Request: To get citizenship in America
My cousin brother (rishad) for more than 13 years is in America but he did not get citizenship, although he applied it for many times. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Despair in marriage
One of my maternal uncles had 4 daughters aged 49, 47, 32 and 29 years. They live in their parents’ home, they don’t work and none of them have ever married. Continue reading
Excessive urination problem
My problem is excessive urination, i.e I need to pee again and again. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Keep bad away from me
For 2 years I had strange things happen: nightmares, object fall “alone”. Continue reading
Prayer Request: for My GrandMother
Ya Sayadi my grandmother is seriously ill. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Joy in the heart
I am Shaykh Nazim’s mureed for 9/10 years. Does one have to do different wirds for different problems or does one do the job for all problems. Continue reading
Prayer Request: sihr
I am living in Hadramaut. I last consulted a habib who is known to be authorized by Prophet(s) to heal. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Chest infection
Dear Sayidi my sister has chest infection. She does not smoke or drink and is suffering from this sickness. Continue reading