Sufism (Tasawwuf)
To become mureed
Question: As salaam, Please help to become mureed or to do baith on hands of Sayydi shaikh Nazim. Allah hafeez. Answer: wa `alaykum salam, You may take baya` online on the homepage here, or at Staff
Seeing insects after waking up
What does it mean to see insects (spiders/termites/small black inscets) for few sec after u wake-up and then they just disappear. Are they just hallucination… Continue reading
Last week after Maghrib prayers I was sitting in muraqaba and I saw green light and verses of holy Qur’an going in front of my eyes very fast… Continue reading
Question: Salaam Brother, since I was 19 people in my family did black magic on me so I don’t get married and hence no guy was ever interested in me. I’ve never bee involved with anyone and pray 5 times … Continue reading
Sihr (Black Magic) on Whole Family
We have a serious problem where black magic was done on the family and it is affecting everyone in very bad ways, creating problems and we are unable to succeed in anything. Continue reading
Am I living through Allah’s Wrath?
I am seeing you blessed and at peace in your life. You are enjoying living.
While I am going through shakes in my life. I am isolated due to situation so loneliness and worries about problems I am facing. Continue reading
I want to do Bait to Nakshbandi Wali Allah please guide me. I want information and become a Mureed. Continue reading
First Meeting with Shaykh
I went see Maulana Sheyk Hisham Kabbani in London last Friday which was the first time I had ever seen sheyk , when I came home I was a different person Continue reading