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Precision about wearing turban
Recently reading one answer of Mawlana Sheikh Hisham here, I read that he recommended us not to wear turban in public in Muslim country were people usually don’t wear Sunnah… Continue reading
I would like to know about the length and color of the turban… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged colors, length, Sunnah, sunnah dress, turban, white color
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Suitable Gems and Stones
My name is [private]. My date of Birth is [private] Bareilly (UP) India. I am looking for my self a stone which can help me to improve my personality… Continue reading
Beard Problem
The hair on the left side of my face are so scarce that In case I grow a beard, it would look abnormal. Kindly, guide me on what I should do to grow facial hair… Continue reading
What Is The Ruling For A Muslim Entering Into A Sufi Order?
What is the ruling for a Muslim entering into a Sufi Order? Why are their numerous Orders? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf), Sunnah
Tagged 41 tariqats, al-Azhar, at-turuq as-sufiyya, Mufti of Egypt, purification of the self, Shaykh Ali Juma, tariqah, tasawwuf, tazkiyyat an-nafs
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Khums and Turbah
What is the Ahl as-Sunnah wa ‘l-Jama`ahs view on “Khums”? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sunnah
Tagged Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jama`ah, Charity, giving of alms, khums, Shia beliefs, Sunni vs. Shia
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Beard definition confusion
Is it along the jawline and chin, or is it located by opening the mouth and feeling along the beard, and wherever it feels hard is the jawbone… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
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Salat Differences
Looking at the differences in salat is interesting yet confusing. Some say the movements for men and women are slightly different, others say they are exactly the same…. Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer, Sunnah
Tagged differences, divergent practices, hand-position, Islamic Jurisprudence, khilaf, madhahib, obligatory prayers, salat differences, schools of thought, usool al-fiqh, variations between Schools
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Aqeeq ring that changes colour
I am a female Muslim mashaallah and i have always wanted to wear an aqeeq ring, i bought a Yemeni aqeeq ring from a darbar in Pakistan… Continue reading