Tag Archives: accusations
Hadith on Accusations – The Accuser Receives The Burden Of Sin.
[does this hadith refer to] public/outright accusations of shirk/kufr? Continue reading
Refutation to Claims that the Naqshbandi Golden Chain Has Broken Links
Could you write a piece in refutation to the claims that the Naqshbandi Golden Chain has broken links? I ask this as this claim in spread in the salafi circles in the UK and it is causing a fitnah and misleading some mureeds. Continue reading
Accusations by Sister
I am in a very bad situation my marriage is breaking down due to accusations my older sister has made against my husband… Continue reading
Dream: Istikara
I had an argument with my wife and said talaq to you three times if you have… Continue reading
Situations that give rise to Suspicion
In Kitab al-Arba’een of Imam al-Ghazali, he mentions a hadith in the section on fulfilling the rights of Muslims… Continue reading
Giving up share in inheritance
Q: In my family, there is a great deal of conflict about an inherited piece of land that is being sold by the inheritors. Continue reading