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Tag Archives: advise
Anger in the household
Just before we married my wife accepted Islam and received bayat with Shaykh Nazim… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged advice, advise, affection, arrest, baya`, convert, deen, devotions, disdain, disregard, ease, feelings, fight, force, happy, Islam, issues, leave Islam, loud, marital discord, marital problems, married, mediator, murtad, peace, police, profanity, provide, renounce Islam, revert, situation, upset
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Advice but it will Hurt Parent’s feelings?
My dad has a narrow opinion of everything. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged advice, advise, angry, argue, dhikrullah, disrespect, father, fruits, kind speech, mother, narrow-minded, patience, Quran, reward, scold, tafsir, tree, uff, Ya Halim
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