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Tag Archives: situation
Prayer Request: Where am I?Where am I?
Could you help with my tariqa situation. I feel lost inside and am really hoping that I may be able to be a good person with the opportunity that The Almighty has given me. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged accepting, dhikr, dhikrullah, du`a, establish sunnah, marry, opportunity, patience, powerless, problem, seeking marriage, situation, tariqah, Ya Hafiz
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Where am I?
Gender Contact
Someone asked me: ‘if men and women aren’t allowed to touch each other in Islam then what will happen if they are unconscious and someone has to perform CPR… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged emergency treatment, grave, medical necessity, rules of contact, situation
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Prayer Request: in need of help
,I need Shaikh sarb to help me please. I am very disturbed. I have many problems, money problems… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged cope, dark tunnel, darkness, financial difficulties, hasbiyallah, help, improvement, light, noor, problems, situation, soul
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Anger in the household
Just before we married my wife accepted Islam and received bayat with Shaykh Nazim… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged advice, advise, affection, arrest, baya`, convert, deen, devotions, disdain, disregard, ease, feelings, fight, force, happy, Islam, issues, leave Islam, loud, marital discord, marital problems, married, mediator, murtad, peace, police, profanity, provide, renounce Islam, revert, situation, upset
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Jamaah tablighi boss
could you give me a way out about my condition at my office. Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged 40 days, boss, du`a, i`tikaf, job, Khatm Khwajagan, problem, situation, Tablighi Jama`at, work
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