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Tag Archives: Ahl al-bida`
A Conversation Regarding Tombs and Grave Markers
Questioner: Salamalaykum sir, I have a question. I have been reading Nur ul Idah lately to learn basic Hanafi fiqh. The problem is that in one section about graves, the book says that tombs should not be made and the … Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Hadith, Halal & Haram
Tagged Ahl al-bida`, awliya, beautification of graves, built-up graves, cemetery, domes over graves, grave markers, graves of the pious, innovation, innovators, jahiliyya, Jannat al-Baqi`, leveling graves, Nur al-Idah, qabr, qubur, Saudis, tombs
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Praying behind a Wahabi revisited
I came across a query on eShaykh which specifically lists that the Wahabi Imam disrespects the Prophet (s) but he has been redirected to another question which states that it is allowed. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Salat - Prayer
Tagged Ahl al-bida`, innovator, people of innovation, salat
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Imam Ahmad Raza Khan
Q: I have read a few fatawa from fatawa e razawiyya.Imam Ahmad Raza is quite famous and authentic w.r.t to his fatawa but his stance about wahabbis and shia’s is quite hard (as compared to some other ulema of ahl e sunnat wal jamaat). Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Ahl al-bida`, Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jama`ah, friendship, Imam Ahmad Reza, relations, Salafi, Shi`a, Sunni, Wahabi
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Praying Behind Wahabi ImamPrier derrière un imam Wahabi
Q: I live in Saudi Arabia and here in most of the masjids the imams are either salafi/wahabi and they dont even recite basmala before fathiha. My question is whether we can follow that imam for prayer? [fr]J’habite en Arabie Saoudite et ici la plupart des imams sont wahabi ou salafi…[/fr] Continue reading