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Tag Archives: alcohol
work and alcohol
Salam alykum. Is it haram to work in the same store that sells alchohol? Continue reading
giving alcohol to a patient
Can I pour an alcoholic drink for a patient? Continue reading
prendre du vin rouge chauffé sur le feu pour enlever l’alcohol
le docteur a dit du prendre du vin rouge un peu chauffé sur le feu pour enlever l’alcohol Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Health
Tagged alcohol, French
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I heard that according to Abu Hanifa, Khamr is only drinks made from grapes and dates Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged alcohol, alcoholic content, fruit, intoxicants, khamr, wine
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Ethanol as preservative in vitamin supplements
I have begun [a] supplement [which] contains ethanol (grain alcohol). Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Health
Tagged alcohol, ethanol, preservative, supplement
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Salaahs not accepted when you drink alcohol?
I heard when you drink alcohol or consume drugs your ibaadah is not accepted for 40 days Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Salat - Prayer
Tagged alcohol, drugs, forgiveness, haram, maghfira, salat
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Are skin products/cosemtics and make-up are halal?
Like pimples, scars, and other skin flaws. You are not changing you appearance just restoring back to its original and do Muslim countries have these products like lotions, zit creams, wrinkle cream, and scar creams? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged alcohol, by-products, cosmetics, halal or haram, make-up, pork, vegan products
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Prayer Request: Pray for my parents
My father is a very nice person but since last few years he drinks alcohol. And when he is drunk his behaviour towards my mother is humiliating and he abuses her… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged abusive, alcohol, father
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Use of Skincare Products
I’m in need of some advice regarding skincare products used on face and body and whether it affects wudu/ghusl. .. I get waswaas that the wudu is not valid after I’ve applied skincare with ingredients like Alcohol, Urea and other chemicals in them. Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Halal & Haram
Tagged alcohol, chemicals, cosmetics, dry skin, Satanic whispers, skin care, skin cream, urea, waswasa, wudu
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In some parts of Pakistan its really cold in winter & there are no proper arrangements for heating. Some people mix a spoon of brandy in water & drink to avoid cold… Continue reading