Tag Archives: anti-Messiah
Dream: Voices
I had two dreams in which a voice told me very clearly that “you are like Sayyidina Adam alaih salam” then in again “you are a companion of Sayyidina Isa alaih salam”. Continue reading
Dream: dajjal
I had a dream in May 2006, I was standing and washing my hands in a sink basin and I watched my reflection in the mirror in my dream. Continue reading
Dream: Dajjal
Q: i had a dream two or three days before.i was dreaming in a dream I feel the existence of dajjal. Continue reading
Dream: Khorasan and treesRêve: Le Khorasan et des arbres
I had a dream whereby I went to khorasan where a war was being engaged by the salibiyeen (I think against the afganis). [fr]J’ai rêvé que je partais dans le khorasan où une guerre avait été commencé par les salibiyeen (contre afganis je pense)…[/fr] Continue reading
Imam MehdiImam Mahdi
Q: I have a few questions in regards to the coming of Iman mehdi,Isa pbuh,and the dajjal.[fr]J’ai quelques questions par rapport à l’arrivée de l’Imam Mahdi, de Issa (as) et de Dajjal…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Prophet Esa a.s.
Would like to know about a dream I had a couple months ago concerning Prophet Esa a.s. All I remember was that Esa a.s was standing in a long white slim gown down to ankles I think. Continue reading
Evil around me
I want to know if there is evil around me maybe Dschinns who want to punish me. Continue reading
Dream:Awliyah or Jinnat?
Q: I have a wahabi who asked me how I know Wali Sufi appear to me as if I know he is really or whether it is a Jinn going for him? Continue reading