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Tag Archives: arkan
bare minimum of a valid prayer (furud and wajibat)
could you tell me if possible the bare minimum (furud and wajibat) the prayer Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Salat - Prayer
Tagged arkan, conditions, conditions for valid prayer, fard, furud, makruh, namaz, obligations, obligatory prayers, pillars, prostration of forgetfulness, required elements, requirements, rukn, ruku`, sadja as-sahw, sajda, salat, shurut, Sunan, Sunnah, wajibat
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Spiritual Arkan
Can I please ask a question that’s puzzling me? This word “Arkan” which apparently means pillar has been coming up in my mind fairly recently… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged anchor, arkan, awliyuallah, dhikr of Angels, Holy Ka`bah, House of Allah, qutbs, Sayyidina Muhyidin ibn `Arabi, support of awliya, tasbeeh of angels, Throne of Allah, watad
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Q:I took baya on the internet and recieved an answere with the daily awrad. I was very happy to take baya and waited anxiously for an answere. Continue reading