Tag Archives: Armageddon

Thoughts of nuclear war

Sometimes I am stricken with obsessive thoughts about nuclear war. It feels so imminent, as if it can realistically take place this year Continue reading

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About provisions for armageddon

Sheikh Hisham did a sohba about the provisions for Armageddon in 2009-2010. I searched but didn’t find it. It’s for my friend, he wants to make provisions. Could you give me the sohba? Continue reading

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3 signs time to panic

We understand that Sultan Awliya is leaving for Hajj this coming Nov and that in the near future Muharram which is in Dec, Istanbul will have a huge earthquake. Continue reading

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Safety from dajjal

Recently I stumbled across Mawlana Sheikh Hisham’s book “The Approach of Armageddon”. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Protection from the Fitnah of Coming Times

I would like to request that Shaykh Nazim pray for me, and for my entire families protection from evil and fitna in the coming days and that we may come on Sirat e mustaqeem. Continue reading

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Dream: 2dreams- seeking protection from bad ones and increase of good one

I was outside in the open against a large ston-ish rock using another hand-sized rock to cut my unusually straight long black hair by rubbing my hair with the small rock against the larger one. Continue reading

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Imam Mehdi
Imam Mahdi

Q: I have a few questions in regards to the coming of Iman mehdi,Isa pbuh,and the dajjal.[fr]J’ai quelques questions par rapport à l’arrivée de l’Imam Mahdi, de Issa (as) et de Dajjal…[/fr] Continue reading

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Imam Mahdi

Dream: Preparing for Armageddon

I dreamed that 5 of us, including myself and Shaykh Hamza Yusuf were moving in a vehicle in preparation for Armageddon. Continue reading

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Dream: Sayyidina Mahdi and Sayyidina Isa as

I saw in my dream that I was standing near a plane waiting to go and see Imam Mahdi a.s. Continue reading

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Dream: Arrival of Imam Mahdi and Dajjal

I had a dream that Imam Mahdi arrived & there were many bright red stars in the night sky. Continue reading

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