Tag Archives: baraka
Khulafa of Mahdi ‘Alaihi Salaam
Question: Salam,i I want to seek permission for reciting names of khulafa and generals of Imam Mahdi as well as Rijal al-Ishraqiyun for seeking blessings.They were dictated by Shaykh Hisham in one of his Speeches. Please grant me the permission of … Continue reading →
Reciting dua in language other than Arabic
Can we recite Dua of Tawassul in our mother tongue or English as while reciting I don’t even know what I am reciting… Continue reading →
Durood Sharif/Salawat
i wanted to know if reading the durood or salawat in English had the same blessing as reading in arabic? Continue reading →
Wiping the Face After Dua
Pardon my weakness and lack of knowledge. I have been trying to find authentic sources to find the Dalil of our common practice of wiping our faces with our hands after dua… Continue reading →
Awrad in english
Is it possible to recite the daily award in english? Continue reading →
Baraqah for employers
I work for a non-Muslim company who alhamdulilah allow me to practice my prayers… Continue reading →
InshAllah with your blessings i have made intention for the 10 day khalwa to discipline and control myself, i was wondering if any member of the Eshaykh staff could advise us on how we should eat and drink during these 10 days… Continue reading →
Prayer Request: Urgent request, as time is passing
Finally after getting your blessing I finally got the job that I desire 3 months ago., but my husband business got folded they took his business… Continue reading →
I would like to ask why Tuesdays are spiritually “heavy”? Continue reading →
Prayer Request: dua
i made my first ever visit to see mawlana sheikh nazim and sheikh hisham and would like to seek both blessings for both my family life and barakah in our income. Continue reading →