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Tag Archives: Battle of Badr
Battle of Badr
Can you teach us about the Battle of Badr?… Continue reading
Dua Al Badri or Al badr?
I have a question in regards to something, what is Dua Al Badr or Al Badri? I heard someone speak of it… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged awakening, Battle of Badr, companions, consequences, du`a, fought, haram, names, praiseworthy, recite, Sahaba, sleep, supplication, victory
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`ahd and wa`d
Q: I write to request your comment on the difference in meaning between ‘ahd and wa’d and if there is a reason why one is mentioned after another in the famous sayyidul istighfar? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sunnah
Tagged `ahd, Battle of Badr, contract, Day of Resurrection, meethaq, mithaq, promise, wa`d, Yawm al-`Ahdi wa 'l-Mithaq, Yawm alastu bi-rabbikum
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