Tag Archives: baya`
Biat almak istiyoruz (We want baya`)
Selamun aleykum Şeyhim, biz şeyhe murid olmak isteriz, 15 kişiyiz. Biyat almak için size nasıl ulaşabiliriz, sultanım? Biz Makedonyadan yazıyoruz ve şimdiye kadar kimseye bağlı değildik. Continue reading
You came to my friend’s dream!!
We are from Bosnia. My friend dreamed of you twice and get your name in a dream, and we found you on Facebook page. We do not know why you come to dream. Bless you. Continue reading
I am very confused! (Kafam Çok Karıştı!)
Yeni rastladım araştırırken. Adnan Efendi var… Hişam Efendi ile kardeş galiba. O, Mehmet Efendi’ye biat ediyorum dedi. Birde Hişam Efendinin mümkünse bahsetmiş olduğunuz o sohbetin (tarikat Şah-i Merdan Hz. Ali’nin elinde) videosu var mı? Continue reading
Baya with Sheikh Hisham After Sultan ul-Auliya
I am very confused about my living sheykh after passing of Sultan ul-Auliya. I came to know that one mureed must be under a living sheykh. So should I take baya with Maulana Sheykh Hisham as he is a representative of Sultan on which I can do muraqaba, meditation? Continue reading
Who is the new Shaykh of the Golden Chain?
Like everyone, I am deeply saddened by the loss of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q). Out of respect for him, I am enquiring to find out with which physically living Shaykh my baya and rabita should lie. Continue reading
I watched a video where Maulana Sheik Hisham said something like everyone (every mureed and muhibbin?) can now give baiat to everyone, that I assume, on behalf of Maulana Sheik Nazim. Continue reading
Naqshbandi Mureed confused since Shaykh Nazim (ra) passing
1) Is Shaykh Mehmet (ra) the “Head” Shaykh of the Naqshbandi Nazimiyyah order since Shaykh Nazim (ra) passed away? Is Shaykh Mehmet (ra) now the Murshid of all Mureeds? Continue reading
How to become Murid, different bayat
In scha ALLAH you are fine. […] Is it still possible to become murid of Schaykh Hischam Alkabbani (hafidhahuLLAH) and how does it work? Although I would like to ask what kind of bayah it is you have to take and if it conflicts with other bayat […] Continue reading
Istikhara before taking bayah?
Asalaamualaikum Shaykh Saab, do I have to perform istikhara before taking bayah. My local Ustaad told me to perform istikhara before bayah as not every Shaykh contains the rizk provision of everyone. Continue reading
Question on Ahlul Aba
Whole world is under ahlul aba which is Muhammed (s) Ali (A) Fatema (A) Hasan (A) and Hussain (A) and they are so important in whole universe, yet Imam Ali is 4th khalifah and not 1st, how come? Continue reading