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Tag Archives: billboard
Unbelieving doctors
In MSN’s internet talks last year I think I heard MSN critisize seeing unbelieving doctors. Does this mean dont see them?
Also, I saw a billboard advert about fast (internet access) without breaks, but I thought it might have been a ‘sign’ and advice, so i fasted everyday for about 3 weeks. My condition improved, but should I have carried on? Might I have been right in seeing a ‘sign’?
Posted in Health, Siyam - Fasting, Sunnah
Tagged `Ashura, advertisements, billboard, Day of `Arafah, disbeliever, doctor, doctors, Fasting, internet, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Monday, Muslim doctor, Nifs Sha`ban, sawm, Shari`ah, siyam, sohba, suhbat, Sunnah, Thursday
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