Tag Archives: blowing

Blowing on water

If I wanted to read al-Fatihah for a sick person and recite it over bottled water for them to drink, can I blow into the bottle after reciting into the water? Continue reading

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I buyed ta’wiz that is in the form of necklace last week from the RUMICafe Jakarta, Indonesia. The rumicafe staff told me that the ta’wiz is original from Turkey and it had been blessed by Mawlana Sh. Nazim (q). Continue reading

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I am confused abot a reply, I need clarification

My question is my husband is away travelling, & wont be back for quite a while,so what can I do? seeing as I cant blow on him? Continue reading

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Not happy, not married and depressed

I was wondering if you could help me with my situation. I am trying to control my lust. [fr]I was wondering if you could help me with my situation. I am trying to control my lust. [/fr] Continue reading

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Dream: Ayatul Kursi and Surats 112-114

I was being followed by a black bird walking behind me. Continue reading

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