Tag Archives: brother
Prayer Request: For my beloved brother
Please pray for my beloved eldest brother who is in the hospital now and also to his family for patience always. Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara for MarriageRêve:Istikhara pour Marriage
I’m in love with a brother of the tariqa, a post I wrote before the December 6 and you told me do isthikara. [fr]Mon cher Cheikh, je suis amoureux d’un frère de la Tariqa et j’ai écrit à ce sujet dans un autre message sur eShaykh le 6 Décembre et vous m’avez dire de faire “Isthikara”. [/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Blue eyes and photograph
1. I saw that my brother and I had blue colored eyes (our eyes are brown) and I believe they were my real eyes’ color (in my dream). Continue reading
Dream: Being cornered by low quality men
I had a dream, where I was leaving a building with my wife and brother which had two exits, the back exist was clear and I had a chance to exit it with my brother, but my wife had left a minute.. Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Mawlana with my family
I had a dream about Sheikh Nazim (I’m not his mureed). I went to Sheikh with my mother, 2 brothers (who are mureeds of Sheikh Nazim), sister-in-law and her daughter. Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Nazim in green
In my dream I see myself getting to a height physically. Then I look down and I see stairs that are covered. Continue reading
Dream: Seyh Nazim
13 Yaşında kardeşim dün gece bir rüya görmüş. Kapinin ziline basilmis ve kardeşim kapıyı açmış. Continue reading
Dream: Tasbih in a church
I’m in a church. People are waiting for the priest. Continue reading
A divorced young woman, who wants to get married
Q: I was married to a horrible young man for 3 years, and has been divorced for 1 year. It was very hard to move on, and sometimes I still get angry at my ex and cry, but alhamdulilLah I’m fine. Continue reading
Nikah Mutaah
Q: Please can u enlighten me and the readers about the validity of nikah mutaah? Continue reading