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Tag Archives: cloak
Sunnah of The Rida’
I was wondering whether wearing the rida’ like the habaibs are Sunnah. Also, is the ghutrah/shamagh etc. items which the Prophet S.A.W wore? Continue reading
Dream: Muharram dream
I was in Iraq with my parents and brother. We were outside one of the holy mosques. It was sandy… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged advent, annihilation, appearance, awliya, birthday of Prophet Muhammad (s), brother, cloak, coins, Dala'il al-Khayrat, dhikr, Divine Presence, full moon, green, holy mosques, Imam Mahdi, inheritor, Iraq, jubba, kalima, khalwa, lentil soup, maqam, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, moons, Mustashar al-Mahdi, Naqshbandi Tariqah, parents, preparation, Qadiri Tariqah, Quran, recite, red, saint, salawat, sandy, Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Jilani, seclusion, silver cloud, sky, state, Sultan al-Awliya, vision
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Dream: Ulemas in black cloak and green turban
Asalam u laikum warahmatullah wa barakahtu, Im sitting ulema’s dressed in black cloaks and green turbans were all busy in conversation about whats happening around the world, all very eagerly waiting for whats still to come. I look around & notice i’m the only female amongst them?
May allah make all the believers imaans even stronger AMEEN!
Jazak allah khair. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `ulama, `ulema, black cloak, cloak, conversation, era of, female, green turban, Imam Mahdi, Signs of the Last Days, sincere, Sunnah, Time of Mahdi (as), turban, world events
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Dream: Sutlan ul awwlia
1:In this dream I’m in a very large empty room similar to a masjid, all four walls are made of a transparent powerful light… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, approach, beard, bench, black, black beard, black cloak, black turban, bliss, cloak, closeness, deeds, dergah, empty, fair skin, female family members, handsome, Imam Mahdi, large, Lefke, light, male, masjid, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, nearness, powerful, prayer mat, Quran, red, smile, Sultan al-Awliya, tasbeeh, tasbih, transparent, trusted, turban, walls, young
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Dream: Seeing Imam Mahdi (RA)Rêve : Vision de l’Imam Mahdi (RA)
Yesterday morning before Fajr prayer, I was shown Imam Mahdi (RA) in a dream.[fr]Hier matin avant la prière du fajr, on m’a montré l’Imam Mahdi (RA) dans un rêve. La couleur noire dominait durant tout le rêve :…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged al-Mahdi, ashamed, black, cloak, face, fajr, hidden face, majestic power, sin, skin, white
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Rêve : Vision de l’Imam Mahdi (RA)
Dream: Dajjal & Imam Mahdi
I had a dream that there were many bright red stars in the sky when Imam Mahdi came & when Dajjal came, the sky was covered with black smoke thats looks like cloaked humans representing his army. Does this mean anything Shaykh? Continue reading
Dream: Prophet Adam (as)
I dreamt that I was standing in front of this huge white mansion one fine night. I saw groups of Naqshbandi men scattered coming from all directions and heading to this white mansion. As I turned around in confusion of not knowing where I am and what I am doing, I saw a very tall old man (almost 3 meters tall) in white jubah, overcloak, white imamah and white Naqshbandi taj… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `amamah, cloak, fitrah, jubbah, mansion, naqshbandi, Sayyidina Adam (as), taj, tall, turban
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