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Tag Archives: confused
Prayer Request: want to get married but confused
I am 29 years old, have a desire to get married but confused in choosing and undergoing… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged confused, heart, istikhara, married, positive signs, seeking marriage, suitable, wife
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Imaan and Islam
I am currently reading your book ‘The 4 Imams and their Schools of thought’ MashAllah an excellent book… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Ash`ari, belief, book, confused, decrease, faith, Imam Abu Hanifa, iman, increase, Islam, issue, Maturidi, perspectives, pillars of faith, proofs, schools of thought, Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
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Dream: Istikhara
I have been driving since 2009 on and off and recently did istahara. On the first day I saw white rice with green cucumber on them… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged black, black shoes, confused, driving, expire, green cucumber, istikhara dreams, mixed signals, money, need, renew, renewal deadline, silver, test, theory test, wasting money, white rice
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Confusion about living under the rule of a tyrantConfusion about Living under the Rule of A Tyrant
I am writing from Cairo, Egypt. I feel really confused these days regarding what is going on… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged action, confused, country, dangerous, demonstrate, demonstrations, duty, Egypt, fitna, hypocrite, movements, oppression, participate, prayer, selfish, stay home, tyranny, tyrant
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Confusion about Living under the Rule of A Tyrant