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Tag Archives: converted husband
Husband threatning to not be Muslim anymore
I’m asking on behalf of my mother. She is permanently mentally disabled. After my father passed away, she remarried and the guy converted to Islam. They started the relationship after he stole $10,000 from her and ran away… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged converted husband, leaving Islam, mentally disabled, mother, obligatory prayers, unbelief
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Husband left Islam
My husband who was a convert has left Islam and I am very heartbroken, we have a four month old son together… Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged converted husband, dissolved marriage, left Islam
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Prayer Request: Istekhara
As Salam wale kum my name is [private]. I intend to marry a non Muslim boy who intends to revert to Islam inshahallah. May I please request you to perform istekhara on my behalf… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged converted husband, istikhara request, revert, suitable spouse
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Husband: Very good man but not a good believer
My husband is a convert under MSN’s hand for our marriage but he doesn’t practice at all. He went to zikr but does not like it, I asked him to participate in prayers etc. he said if I push him he will resent religion.. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged converted husband, dhikr, higher levels, Imam Mahdi (as), new convert, patience, spiritual levels, weak iman, weak in faith
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Maulana, my husband, and me
Maulana asks women to wear hajjab, wear skirts, remain at home, and live in the mountains… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged approval, believer, convert, converted husband, hijab, husband, job, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mountains, mureeds, murids, noble, questions, school, skirts, stay at home, thinker, western, western clothes, work
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