Tag Archives: despair

Parallel reality?

While sleeping, I had a dream in which I felt my soul was soaring (while reciting durood I believe), I felt as though I was very high up, I carried on until I saw ‘myself’, it was a very strange moment. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Advice needed from MSH

I wanted some guidance from MSH specifically, if possible. I’ve been suffering from depression for years now and I see no way out. I feel like I’ve failed in life, haven’t achieved any of what I wanted to… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Searching For Inner Peace..

I have been very ill for a long time with various health problems including kidney stones and have now developed kerataconus in both eyes. My Imaan in very weak and i am struggling to cope with things. I am also very depressed and suicidal and have nowhere to turn. Continue reading

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Ya Sayydi my disappointment and somewhat disbelief is at its last leg.I am speechless against what i have faced till now.You know me more than any being on this planet and beyond… Continue reading

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Is it true?

I’v been Cyprus its been a few months now and outside sheikh nazim house it said the one who takes lives in Arabic and if that is true please tell sheikh nazim to take my life away asap because iv just had a enough of dunya and am fed up of my life if it is true that sheikh nazim can take lives? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: For health marriage and tariqa

Since many years I have pain in my neck, back, knee and legs have no job, no wife,… Continue reading

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Dream: Quran Pak as Protection

It was night-time and in our front-yard something went wrong and bc of it echo-copies were created of people… Continue reading

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Dream: Hajjah Naziha

Lately I have been very down and stressed out. MSH and Hajjah know already my reason for being so down… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Humble Request for my affairs to become easier

I am recently undergoing a trial where I have been despondent and depressed but am now getting some sabr, but the trial continues and is not over… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: I am stuck

Since many years now I am stuck in the USA, no job and no diploma. The teachers who are correcting my thesis are taking forever for no reason… Continue reading

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