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Tag Archives: devotion
What did the Prophet (saw) do in Mount Hira?
What exactly did our Prophet (saw) do in Mount Hira? I know he used to meditate, etc. but what form did this meditation take? Considering he spent days there, this profoundly affected him. Are there any actual accounts of the actual practices he performed there? … Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ibadah, asceticism, devotion, isolation, lata'if, life of Prophet (s), meditation, Mt. Hira, Muhammadan Cave, points, seclusion, tafakkur, Uwaysi transmission, worship, zuhd
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Dream: 5 year old boy’s dream
My friend’s 5 year old son had a dream that I married Sultan Maulana Shakyh… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged devotion, marriage, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani
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Dream: Horse of Rasool (SAW)
After the regular recitals, while keeping ziqr I fell asleep. I saw a bright white horse… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awrad, bird, bright, buraq, devotion, dhikr, Holy Qur'an, honey, horse, mouth, open-mouthed, Prophet Muhammad (s), Rasulullah (s), skin, Sufism, sweet, sweet words, taste, white, wings, wool
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Dream: Glass
After, I had a dream my mom and I saw cobra snake chasing rabbits at my childhood home… Continue reading
Forgiveness and ready to surrender
If we are asking pleasures from Allah Almighty, I don’t know if I am pleasing him… Continue reading
Dream: Quest
I have this dream from time to time which essentially stays the same but the scenario changes a bit. It starts off with me on a quest for knowledge and physical training on top of a snowy mountain, where I train my mind and body with spiritual knowledge as my guide. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angelic support, angels, asceticism, commitments, consistency, Cyprus, devotion, guide, knowledge, maintain, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mountain, quest, seeker, sincere, snow, spiritual knowledge, thinker, training, worldly desire, worship
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