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Tag Archives: diabetes
Assalam-u-alaikum, my father is 64 years old, he suffers from rheumatoid arthiritus, diabetes and various other illnesses. Recently he has been diagnosed with heart problems and he must lose 15kg in weight in order to survive. Are there any prophetic remedies or herbal alternatives he may use to clear his arteries as he is unable to exercise due to his severe joint pains.
Thank you so much, May Allah reward you for your efforts, please send my salaam and love to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim.
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Posted in Health
Tagged blocked arteries, diabetes, heart problems, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, natural remedies, Rheumatoid Arthritis
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I wanted to ask a cure for diabetes Sheikh. As I’m 20 years of age. And even if I don’t eat sugary stuff like fasting my sugar still rises to 15 every morning. I’m on insulin and very stressed. The doctor says I will be on injection forever. I’m very stressed, I need some advice inshaAllah… Continue reading
Treatment by a Peer
I am a diabetic male of 55 years, maintained on tablets. I had pain in my right hip which is quite old. The doctors have diagnosed this as Femoral head necrosis on both hips, but it is more pronounced on my right hip… Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged diabetes, Femoral Head Necrosis, halal treatment, hip pain
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Health Advice, Diabetes
I just wanted to know if there is anything that i can do to help me controll my diabetes I am 18 and have type 1 diabetes all my life… Continue reading
Treatment for my father
My father is having high sugar and now is suffering from pnemonia, a lung disease… Continue reading
Dear friend with Diabetes
Recently, a most dear friend of mine was developed a case of serious diabetes. I … Continue reading
Prayer Request: My Father Is Sick
My father has Diabetes and blood pressure problem. He takes his medicine regularly… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged diabetes, high blood pressure, medicine, Ya Shafi
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Dream: Diabetic mother eating
I dreamed of my mother who passed away 8 months ago… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, bad adab, deceased mother, diabetes, innocence, sick
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Prayer Request: Diabetes of my daughter
My daughter of 6 years old has Diabetes since 3 years now… Continue reading