Tag Archives: entertainment
Are animal fighting for entertainment haram?
Like cockfight, the lions den that fights to the death for human entertainment?
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Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged animal abuse, cockfights, dogfights, entertainment, mistreatment of animals
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Halal Entertainment
What is halal for Muslims in terms of entertainment. For example my kids and even myself sometimes, like to watch movies and cartoons… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Halal & Haram
Tagged cinema, entertainment, hypocrisy, Jesus Christ (as), shiddah, television, theater, watching films
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Dream: black clouds and two kinds of people
After fajr awrad, I dreamt I was in a car, (two men drove), turning very quickly on itself in a place filled with men who entertained. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliyaullah, bad desires, bad thoughts, clothes, entertainment, fajr, forgiveness, masjid, men, mosque, naked, repent, safe return, sin
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