Tag Archives: glass
Dream: Glass
After, I had a dream my mom and I saw cobra snake chasing rabbits at my childhood home… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Prophet Muhammad Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam
I don’t remember much about this dream hence I can’t be 101% sure if I really saw them* or not (in my dream it was night time it was dark in that room… Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and my right hand
I had a dream that Mawlana Shaykh Nazim visited my aunt’s house and I made a plate of dinner for them… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Mawlana Rumi as a spirit among his mureeds
I had a dream of a Zikr association and a Shaykh which I couldn’t recognize was sitting at the top. Continue reading
Dream: Bad Dreams
The first one she dreamed her vertebral column was broken and as fragile as glass. She was saying sadly :”O Allah, my vertebral column is broken!”. Continue reading
Dream: Dajjal
I was holding a crate of potatoes waiting for elevators. A man said “look at that sign” above elevator door. Continue reading