Tag Archives: grave
Dream: Blessed GraveRêve: Tombe bénie
J’ai fait un rêve dans lequel je pense avoir vu la tombe bénie du Prophète Mouhammad*… Continue reading
Mawlana, Hajj and hardships
Q: I took bayat almost five years ago; since then I’m trying to go to Cyprus to visit Mawlana. I got into many dificulties and didn’t have sucess yet. Continue reading
Dream: Visiting Prophet Ya’qub’s grave
In the dream I was outside a mosque & somehow I knew I had to go inside – like paying a visit. Continue reading
Dream: of prophet saw
I was in a field near magrib time and infront of me a huge gate with a big metal lock on it, all of a sudden the lock was opened and the gates opened. Continue reading
Dream: Grave of the Prophet Muhammad (s)
I had a dream last week that I am in an dark room and I see a very old cloth around some body. Next to it I see some other body. Continue reading
Planting on graves
The custom of placing flowers is a Bid’at (innovation) and is not established from the Shari’ah. Continue reading
Can Prophet See Our Actions from His Grave?
Question: [Abdul-Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz, late Grand-Mufti of Saudia Arabia stated] “In the authentic Hadith, it is reported that the Prophet – peace be unto him-said: ‘(On the Day of Judgment, I assume the defence of some men by … Continue reading