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Tag Archives: horses
Dream: Dead, some flayed, horses
First of all, why do I keep dreaming of horses? I haven’t ridden for 15 years: is there a message here or is it just coincidence? Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged dead, flayed, flood of ignorance, horses, houses, spiritually dead
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Dream: Two horses
I saw three of my cousins brought us two horses/hennies. (I looked from the roof /… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged approval, deceased father, horses, support
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Dream: Waterfall
My mother dreamt she was with her friend Maryam near a waterfall, and me and my brothers of the dergah were behind them… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged brothers, City of Knowledge, control of ego, derga, Divine Knowledge, donkey, door, drown, drowned, drowning, find, friend, horses, jacket, mother, mounts, Sayyidina Ali, search, secret, spiritual secret, waterfall, youngest
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Teach your Children Swimming, Archery, and Horsemanship
I’m having intention to go and serve in the army as a reservist for a couple of months InshaAllah… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged adults, archery, armies, army, army reserves, ashes, battlefight, body, children, chivalry, command, discipline, domain, ego, fight, gaze, greater jihad, harm, horseback riding, horsemanship, horses, jihad, knight, knighthood, lesser jihad, manhood, marriage, mind, ride, Rijalullah, Sayyidina `Umar ibn al-Khattab (r), serve, soul, spirit, spiritual authority, subordinate, Sunnah, supererogatory worship, swim, teach, tradition, weapons
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Dream: Hazrat Ali in Dream
Driving in a bad snow storm. There are cars crashed. It is dangerous so we start walking… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged accident, arrows, bang, blackness, blood, bloody, bows, buildings, cars, crash, dangerous, fireworks, heart, horses, Imam Mahdi, martyr, panic, Sayyidina Ali, Shahada, shahida, shoot, Signs of Last Days, snow storm, wife, window
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Dream: Race
There were lots of men on horses , i was at the back also on a horse (the only lady amongst the men ) , many people were watching either side of us , at the front was a man that i know , all of us on horses started racing , the man i know was ahead of all the others and his horse was going very fast , i started to speed up so that i could reach him( to be close to him not to overtake him), i was close to him i could see his white turban tail moving in the wind…
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