Tag Archives: increase iman
I have recently lost my imaan. I fell in love with a Christian. Instead of trying to convert him I lied to him about how I feel. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Striving for guidance to Islam
I sometimes, in a low key manner try and misguide people from Islam when it comes to my appearance. I don’t have firm faith… Continue reading
Spiritual help please
Me my sister are very shameful in admitting our sins, but we are both young females that feel we are spiritually not good enough. We want to raise our iman, make it stronger… Continue reading
My husband does not pray consistently
I always tell my husband to make salah but he lags, he is very lazy, he does not pray for weeks… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Increase in iman
Assalam alleikum. I would like to ask for duas to increase iman for myself, future progeny, & all ummah of Prophet s.a.w. ameen Continue reading
Prayer Request: Certainty in Ahlus Sunnah wal Jammah and Faith
Request: Assalmu’alaykum all the blessed staff of eshaykh. May Allah SWT continue to shower his blessings on you all. My love to all the Shaykh of the Naqshbandi Tariqat. I love the Naqshbandi Tariqat.. and I love to be a mureed of … Continue reading
Finding Faith
I need help with finding faith. I pray five times a day, but I don’t feel a connection to Allah (SWT), I have so many Shaytanic thoughts daily, more than peaceful ones… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Strengthen Iman
I’m having doubts in Islam, subhanallah. As i started listening to all those atheists and science teachers at school, my faith became weaker… Continue reading
Covering aurah
I know that in Islam, women who reach baligh, need to cover their aurah from non-mahram except for their mahram… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Increasing my emaan and taqwaa
For the past few months I am getting weak in my emaan and I fear that I might be led astray. Continue reading