Tag Archives: invisible
Karamat (Miracle) vs Magic
I was discussing with a Malaysian brother on the issue of karamat and black magic. He was saying that its hard to distinguish the two… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ayn, `ilm al-ghayb, `ulama, abracadabra, angelic support, awliyuallah, bamboozling, bandish, charlatans, clairvoyance, con, con artist, conjurer, Dajjal, diabolist, dishonorable acts, divination, diviner, evil eye, fake, fradulent act, fraud, Friends of Allah, ghayb, hidden idolatry, hocus-pocus, holy person, idolalter, imposter, intuition, invisible, jinx, kafir jinn, Karamat, kashf, keen perception, knowers, knowledge of the unseen, marvel, miracles, miraculous powers, necromancy, obi, omen, phony, practicing magic, seer, Sham, shaman, shamanist, shenanigans, soothsayer, sorcery, tales, tickery, treacherous, trickster, unseen realm, voodoo, wali, witch doctor, wizard, wizardry, wonder
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Dream: Black creature like dog trying to attack me
I was in my house in the living room and through the glass doors I could see that outside… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged abuse, attack, baby, black creature, dates, disgusted, dog, ego, father, feet, fingers, glass doors, growling, hadith, hurt, invisible, living room, mouth, murshid, prevent, Prophet Muhammad (s), protect, rabbit, saliva, scary, spiritual beings, spiritual reality, wildness
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Dream: RasoolAllah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam
Dreamed I was in presence of RasoolAllah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam. They were behind my shoulder taking me places. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged invisible, Sayyida `Ayesha, Sayyidina Salman al-Farsi (r), sword
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Dream: Shaykh Standing Silent
Dream: My salaams and respect to Shaikh Hisham. About 1 year +some months ago Shaikh came to me in my dream much younger than he is now. He stood in a corner on my room as if he was waiting … Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged association, clarity, fana, invisible, light, murid, Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, soul, suhbat, the Prophet (s), transparent
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