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Tag Archives: isnad
Isnad on Saint of Rajab Story
I had a question regarding the Saint of Rajab narration. What is the Isnad for it? and which book can I find it in? Continue reading
The Claim that Shaykh Nazim is Infallible
What is your comment about the following statement, as translated into English: “And the Seniors of the Tariqa Naqshbandiyya Aliyya Haqqani claim that the sins of Shaykh Muhammad Nazim are no longer being Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged awliya, false accusation, false claim, infallibility, infallible, isnad, ma`sum, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Tariqah, Naqshbandi Nazimiyya, no evidence, old age, prophets, rank, sayyiat, senile, Seniors of the Tariqah, Shaykh Mehmet Adil, Shaykh Muhammad Adil, Shaykh Muhammad Adnan Kabbani, sins, the old, wilaya
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About isnad
Ya shaykh Gibril
Is there an opinion in Mizan al-‘Itidal of imam al-Dhahabi, rahmatullahi ta’la alayh, (or any of his other books, or by some other imam)
To validate or to make permissibile the taking of fiqh and aqida, if they themselves are RELIABLE, of the immediate students (and their students and their students and so on), basically with the isnad in fiqh and aqida of an ‘Alim (y) who is dishonest in his presentation of another ‘Alims (z) book, to muftis for fatawa against him, in doing so alim (y) intentionally shows the ‘ibarat and the jumlay concerned in alim (z)’s book out of context and not what he intended just to get fatawa of kufr against him. Because of this dishonesty has been found out and his standing their by becoming tarnished and his isnad effectively not having the sidq attached to it because of this. Continue reading
A Reliable Hadith?
I pray and hope your fine. I have a question about the following hadith:And ‘Aa`ishah said: “Among all of Allah’s servants, his neck was the the most handsome…
Posted in Takhrij
Tagged handsome, hilya, isnad, khasais an-Nabi (s), shamail an-Nabi (s), takhrij
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What is ijaza?
Salam Ya Shuyukh,
May I know what is the definition of Ijazah? What I the purpose of having it and also what are the steps of getting an Ijazah from different Shaykhs?
Sorry for my bad adab.
Syukran Continue reading
About this hadith of Nur Muhammad (s)
I marveled at this hadith that appears early on about Allah has ordered the pen to write for the kalimah 70,000 years,… Continue reading
Posted in Takhrij
Tagged hadith, isnad, kalima, light of Muhammad (s), narrators, Nur Muhammad (s), Sayyidina Muhyidin ibn `Arabi, sister, takhrij, vision
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Authenticity of A Hadith
“A true believer is one with whom others feel secure. One who returns love for hatred”… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged authenticity, hadith, hatred, isnad, love, narrator, secure, true believer
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Yasin Heart of Quran?
Q: Salafi friends ask about the validity of ahadith explaining about surah Yasin as heart of Qur’an and that reading it upon deceased moslem can intercede the reader and the deceased. Could you provide me the level of validity of the hadiths and their sources? Continue reading
Posted in Qur'an & Tafsir, Takhrij
Tagged benefits, blessings, da`if, dead, heart, isnad, Quran, recitation, specialties, Surah YaSeen, thiqah
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Belief in da`if hadith
As far as I know we have to believe 100% in every ahadith transmitted to us even though it is daeef, …but if one does not believe in it 100% what is the ruling on him? Continue reading